Table 1.
Names and abbreviations proposed for raphe nuclei in this work, compared to classical and alpha-numeric terms
Traditional terminology and classification | Alpha-numeric terminology (Dahlström and Fuxe 1964; Seiger and Olson 1973) | Presently proposed terminology and abbreviations | Other denominations |
Dorsal raphe n. (DR) (Ramón y Cajal 1909; Brown 1943; Olzewski and Baxter 1954; Taber et al. 1960; Steinbuch and Nieuwenhuys 1985; Jacobs and Azmitia 1992; Paxinos and Franklin 2007; Paxinos and Watson 2007) | B7 |
Dorsal raphe nn. mDR |
n. supratrochlearis (Olszewski and Baxter 1954) |
isDRd isDRl isDRv isDRW |
DRD/DRV/DRW-DRVL/DRL (Steinbusch 1981; Diaz-Cintra et al. 1981; Agnati et al. 1982; Paxinos and Franklin 2007; Abrams et al. 2004) | ||
B6 |
r1DRd r1DRv r1DRW |
Caudal linear n. (CLi) (Castaldi 1923; Steinbuch and Nieuwenhuys 1985; Jacobs and Azmitia 1992) | B8 |
Caudal linear n. (Is) CLi |
Linear intermediate n. (Brown 1943; Taber et al. 1960) |
Caudal linear wing n. (Is) CLiW |
n. pontis oralis, pars rostralis (Jacobs et al. 1984; Azmitia and Gannon 1986; Hornung and Fritschy 1988; Törk and Hornung 1990) | ||
Central superior raphe n. (CS) (Bechterew 1899; Olszewski and Baxter 1954; Taber et al. 1960; Valverde 1962) |
Median raphe nn. r1Mnr r1Mnc |
Median raphe n. (Jacobs and Azmitia 1992; Paxinos and Franklin 2007; Paxinos and Watson 2007) | |
n. linearis caudalis (Brown 1943) | |||
Prepontine raphe nn. (r2) PPnR |
Caudal portion of the central superior raphe n. Vertes et al. 1999 | ||
Supralemniscal n. (SuL) (Törk 1990; Jacobs and Azmitia 1992; Vertes and Crane 1997) | B9 |
Supralemniscal raphe nn. r1SuL r2SuL r3SuL |
Caudal portion of the pontis oralis n. (Törk and Hornung 1990; Hornung 2003) |
Raphe pontis n. (PnR) (Olszewski and Baxter 1954; Taber et al. 1960; Valverde 1962; Steinbusch 1981; Törk and Hornung 1990; Harding et al. 2004) | B5 |
Pontine raphe nn. r3PnR r4PnR |
Pontine raphe n. (Brown 1943) |
Rostral raphe magnus n. (Taber et al. 1960; Skagerberg and Björklund 1985; Hornung and Fritschy 1988) | |||
Extraraphe cells (Olszewski and Baxter 1954) | B4 |
Supragenual raphe nn. r5SGeR r6SGeR |
Supragenual n. (Paxinos and Watson 2007) |
Raphe magnus n. (RMg) (Meessen and Olszewski 1949; Taber et al. 1960; Valverde 1962; Lidov and Molliver 1982; Törk and Hornung 1990; Paxinos and Franklin 2007; Paxinos and Watson 2007) | B3 |
Raphe magnus nn. r5RMgD r6RMgD r5RMgV r6RMgV |
Rostral raphe obscurus n. (Taber et al. 1960) |
Central inferior raphe n. (Marburg 1910) | |||
Magnocellular nucleus ventralis raphe (Winkler and Potter 1914) | |||
Parapyramidal raphe nn. (retropontine parts) r5PPy r6PPy |
Lateral paragigantocell. (Jacobs and Azmitia 1992) | ||
Rostral ventrolateral (Törk 1990; Harding et al. 2004) | |||
Raphe obscurus n. (ROb) (Olszewski and Baxter 1954; Taber et al. 1960; Valverde 1962; Steinbusch and Nieuwenhuys 1985; Hornung and Fritschy 1988; Nieuwenhuys et al. 2008) | B2 | Raphe obscurus nn. | Posterior raphe group Ramón y Cajal 1909 |
r7–r11ROb | Raphe parvus n. (Meessen and Olszewski 1949) | ||
Raphe pallidus n. (RPa) (Olszewski and Baxter 1954; Taber et al. 1960; Valverde 1962; Steinbusch and Nieuwenhuys 1985; Hornung and Fritschy 1988; Nieuwenhuys et al. 2008) | B1 |
Raphe pallidus nn. r7–r11RPa |
Ventral nucleus. Winkler and Potter (1914) |
Parapyramidal raphe nn. (medullary parts) r7–r11PPy |
Caudal ventrolateral. (Törk1990; Harding et al. 2004) |