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. 2012 Nov 7;87(5 Suppl):127–136. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.2012.12-0389

Table 3.

Percentage cases by type of illness and referral, by measurement method, Malawi*

Illness or referral Direct observation with re-examination (n = 382) Direct observation only (n = 382) Register review (n = 1,219)
% 95% CI % 95% CI % 95% CI
Uncomplicated illness
 Fast breathing 15 11–19 21 16–27 32 27–37
 Fever 63 58–69 59 53–65 75 72–79
 Diarrhea 25 21–29 23 19–27 19 16–22
Severe illness
 Fast breathing 5 3–7 6 3–8 0.2 0–0.4
 Fever 13 10–17 12 8–16 0.5 0–1
 Diarrhea 4 2–6 4 2–6 0.1 0–0.2
No. uncomplicated illnesses
 1 74 69–78 75 70–80 92 89–99
 2 29 24–33 28 23–33 34 29–38
 3 3 1–5 7 0.3–2.8 1 0.5–2
 Fast breathing 20 71–90 19 10–27 1 0–3
 Fever 21 15–26 19 14–25 2 0.3–4
 Diarrhea 19 12–27 22 14–31 3 0.6–6

CI = confidence interval. Case scenarios were designed by investigators as described in the text and included cases of fast breathing, fever, and diarrhea.

One classification includes either fast breathing, fever, or diarrhea. Two is any combination of two of these illnesses per child; three is all three illnesses. Danger signs excluded.

Children referred for any reason.