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. 2012 Nov 7;87(5 Suppl):97–104. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.2012.11-0763

Table 1.

Diffusion of innovation model and examples of how it was used in data collection

Program attribute Definition (Rogers7) Examples of questions
Relative advantage The degree to which an innovation is perceived as being better than preceding ideas.7 Where do you take your children when they suffer from (name disease) and why? Thinking about the VHT services, could you tell me what you like or dislike about them? If you were to choose between going to a VHT and (a) a health center or (b) alternative healthcare, tell me which one you would choose and why?
Compatibility The degree to which an innovation is perceived as being consistent with values, needs, and experiences of an adopting society.7 What are the healthcare needs of children in your community, and how are they normally obtained? Of all the ways of obtaining healthcare that you have mentioned, which ones do you consider most valuable and why?
Complexity The degree to which an innovation is perceived as being difficult to use and understand.7 Thinking about any of the occasions you took your child to a VHT, please describe what you thought about the process of taking your child to the VHT, the information given to you by the VHT, the way that your child was handled by the VHT, and anything else you would like to discuss.
Trialability The degree to which an innovation may be experimented with on a limited basis.7 Why would you be happy or unhappy to visit a VHT from another community or village? What would you gain or lose by visiting a VHT? Why would you consider it important or not to visit a VHT before you can decide to always take your children to the VHT whenever they get (name disease)?
Observability The degree to which the results of the innovation are visible to others.7 What makes you think that children get effective treatment or not when they visit a VHT? What differences, if any, have you noticed in the health of children since the iCCM program was started? Describe what would make you go back to a VHT if your child fell sick. Could you tell me why you would or would not recommend this program to other caregivers?