Table 2.
Comparison of variation for leukodystrophy patients across PHIS children’s hospitals, for years 2004–2010. All numbers refer to leukodystrophy patients. Results are total for the 7-year period. Mortality rate is calculated as a percent of the total leukodystrophy patient cohort at each hospital. The cost/patient is the total cost of in-patient health care costs for each leukodystrophsy patient.
Measure | Total | Average/Hospital | Range |
Number of patients | 3,143 | 81 | 14–172 |
Number of admissions (n) | 13,554 | 348 | 81–705 |
Admissions/patient | --- | 4.3 | 3.0–7.3 |
Mortalities (n) | 268 | 6.9 | 1–17 |
Mortality % | --- | 8.8 | 2.4–18.1 |
Hospital costs ($thousands) | 411,374 | 10,548 | 1,835–27,602 |
Cost/patient ($) | --- | 131,380 | 60,013–239,872 |
Total hospital days | 136,776 | 3,507 | 826–7,307 |
Average length of stay/patient (days) | --- | 10.1 | 6.7–14.1 |
MRIs (n) | 4,755 | 122 | 15–292 |
MRI/patient | --- | 1.5 | 0.7–2.5 |