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. 2013 Jun 14;135(1):1–16. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kft128

Table 1.

AHR Protein Expression in Tumors

Tissue (References) AHR protein expression
Pancreatic (Koliopanos et al., 2002) 14/15 (tumors, m to h, cytosolic)
9/15 (nontumors, f)
Prostate (Gluschnaider et al., 2010) Tumors (h, cytosolic and nuclear)
Nontumors (w-nd, cytosolic > nuclear)
Urinary tract (Ishida et al., 2010) Tumors (h, % nuclear staining increased with increasing tumor grade)
Nontumor (w, cytosolic and nuclear)
Lung (Portal-Nunez et al., 2012) Adenocarcinomas (h, 56%)
Bronchioloalveolar carcinomas (h, 47%)
Bronchiolar epithelium (h, 11%)
Lung (Lin et al., 2003) Tumors (h, 59/91; l, 32/91)
Nontumors (h, 7/31; l, 24/31)
Esophagus (Zhang et al., 2012a) Tumors/nontumors = 2.2/1 in protein expression
Pituitary (Jaffrain-Rea et al., 2009) Tumors/nontumors: Weak staining, primarily cytosolic
Gliomas (Gramatzki et al., 2009) Expression in tumor and nontumor tissues (23 autopsies)
WHO grade II astrocytomas > grade III anaplastic astrocytomas > grade IV glioblastomas (mean total AHR)
Grade IV glioblastomas > grade III anaplastic astrocytomas ≅ grade II astrocytomas (nuclear AHR protein)

Note. m to h, medium to high; f, faint; w-nd, weak to nondetectable; w, weak.