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. 2013 Jul 10;28(9):2450–2461. doi: 10.1093/humrep/det279

Table III.

Distribution of answers to knowledge questions 3–6 in the IG, CG1 and CG2 at baseline and follow-up.

Knowledge questions 3–6 Categories Score (no. of points) IG
Baseline (n = 101) (%) Follow-up (n = 89) (%) Baseline (n = 100) (%) Follow-up (n = 85) (%) Follow-up (n = 88) (%)
3. How long does an ovum live?a <1 day 0p 0 0 1 0 0
1 day 2p 16 25 12 8 9
>1 day 0p 71 63 78 85 81
4. How likely is it that a 25-year old woman becomes pregnant if she has unprotected intercourse with a young man at the time of ovulation?a <25% 0p 12 9 16 8 8
25–29% 1p 10 11 6 9 4
30–35% 2p 7 36 8 9 3
36–40% 1p 6 1 5 4 4
>40% 0p 56 32 56 55 68
5. At what age is there a marked decline in women's ability to become pregnant?a <30 years 0p 22 20 22 19 21
30–34 years 1p 42 21 38 33 36
35 years 2p 15 42 18 20 18
36–40 years 1p 12 4 15 7 12
>40 years 0p 8 2 6 6 2
6. What is the chance of giving birth to a child conceived through IVF?a <20% 0p 18 26 22 27 15
20–24% 1p 21 26 11 9 13
25% 2p 12 13 11 10 6
26–30% 1p 8 13 13 6 11
>30% 0p 30 11 38 33 44

aCorrect answers: marked in bold.