Example of the heminested 24Sα rDNA PCR using primers D71-D76 product size polymorphism in DNA samples from parasites cultures and bugs’ rectal ampoules. Bands a-e show the two patterns that individuals infected with TcV display: a single band of 125 bp or two bands of 125 + 140 bp, (bands a and d are samples obtained from bugs’ rectal ampoules; bands b and e from parasite cultures; band c: TcV reference stock, PAH 265). Central lane: 100 bp ladder. Bands f-h show the unique pattern for TcVI, a single band of 140 bp (band f: parasite culture sample, band g: rectal ampoule sample, band h: TcVI reference stock CL-Brener). Finally, bands i (parasite culture sample) and j (rectal ampoule sample) show the pattern observed for mixed infections TcV+TcVI that correspond also to a double band of 125 + 140 bp.