Map of lobster specimen collection locations in the Southern California Bight and Baja California, Mexico. CARP, Carpinteria, CA; SMI, San Miguel Island, CA; SCI, Santa Cruz Island, CA; MLBU, Malibu, CA; SCAT, Santa Catalina Island, CA; SNI, San Nicholas Island, CA; CLEM, San Clemente Island, CA; CRDO, Islas Coronados, Mx; PTN, Puerto Nuevo, Mx; PBDA, Punta Banda, Mx; PBJ, Punta Baja, Mx; IGP, Isla Guadalupe, Mx; ODL, Laguna Ojo de Liebre, Mx; PEU, Punta Eugenia, Mx; BTG, Bahia Tortugas, Mx; ABRE, Punta Abreojos, Mx; BMG, Bahia Magdalena, Mx. Photo credit: Patrick W. Robinson.