A score of 24 or higher on Conlon survey [45] was considered as moderate to severe symptoms |
A score lower than 24 on Conlon survey [45] was considered as low symptoms |
Near exophoria >6Δ. As the expected value of near phoria [4, 57, 58] is between a range of ortophoria and 6Δ of exophoria, this limit was selected to consider having a large value of near exophoria |
Normative values for distance and near phoria [4, 57, 58] |
Normative values of distance phoria [57, 58], or having a difference between both distance and near phoria out of a range of 5Δ [4] |
Far and near visual acuity ≥20/20 with the best prescription, without ocular motility disorders, vertical deviation, strabismus or ocular pathology |
Far and near visual acuity ≥20/20 with the best prescription, without ocular motility disorders, vertical deviation, strabismus or any type of ocular pathology |