Environmental stress phenotypes of A909ΔliaR. (a) Killing by UV light. Survival of wild-type A909 (▪), A909ΔliaR (•), the complemented mutant strain A909ΔliaR+pLiaR (▴), and the DNA repair mutant, A909ΔrecA (♦) were compared following exposure to short-wave UV light for 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 s. Results shown are mean and standard deviation from three separate experiments. (b) Growth at elevated temperature. Wild-type A909 (▪), A909ΔliaR (•), and the complemented mutant strain A909ΔliaR+pLiaR (▴), were grown at 37 °C to an OD650 ~0.35, then diluted 1 : 100 into THB media on a 96-well plate. Strains were subsequently grown at the indicated temperatures using a temperature gradient thermocycler. Growth was measured by (OD650) after 6–10 h at the indicated temperature. Results for growth at each temperature were expressed as a percentage of the growth measured at 37 °C; mean±sd of two separate experiments.