Abnormal hair and supporting cell patterns in the inner ear of Gata3-null mice. At E 18.5, co-immunolabeling shows that GATA3 is expressed in SOX2+ supporting cells and MYO7A+ hair cells. Anti-MYO7A labeling reveals the orderly arranged three rows of OHCs and one row of IHCs in wild-type mice (A–D and I–K). However, in Gata3-null mice, there are variable phenotypic defects in supporting and hair cells, e.g. no hair cells and with only limited supporting cells (E and F) or with limited hair cells (G and H). In addition, the patterns of hair cells are also disrupted in the inner ear of Gata3-null mice (L–N). For example, only two rows of OHCs are observed in the base part of cochlear duct (L). In middle part, an extra row of IHCs is detected (M). In the apex, disorganized hair cells are also observed (N). GER, greater epithelial ridge; IHC, inner hair cell (color-coded red); LER, lesser epithelial ridge; OHCs, outer hair cells (color-coded red); SCs, supporting cells (color-coded magenta). Scale bar, (A–E) 200 µm; (F–H) 50 µm; (I–N) 10 µm.