Figure 1. Optimization of the experimental conditions.
(A) Unspecific binding of serum antibodies to uncoated magnetic microspheres. Positive serum sample is represented in red, while negative serum sample in blue. (B) BFS as blocking agents (blue for positive serum and black for negative). (C) Positive and negative serum samples diluted from 1∶100 to 1∶6400. (D) PMSI-8.07Ni-NTA coated with rK39 and PMSI-1.7Ni-NTA coated with LicTXNPx in the presence of a positive serum or a negative serum and PMSI-8.07Ni-NTA coated with LicTXNPx and PMSI-1.7Ni-NTA coated with rK39 in the presence of a positive serum or a negative serum. (E) PMSI-8.07Ni-NTA coated with rK39 and PMSI-1.7Ni-NTA coated with LicTXNPx formed populations of different sizes as consequence of microspheres aggregation. For further analysis, only the non-aggregated populations (black line) were used. (F) Percentage of aggregated microspheres is higher in PMSI-1.7Ni-NTA than in PMSI-8.07Ni-NTA microspheres.