FtsQSH8 Y248Bpa is not functional.
A, FtsQ temperature-sensitive E. coli strain LMC531 harboring a Bpa-specific suppressor vector and a vector for the expression of SH8ftsQ, as indicated, were grown at the non-permissive temperature (37 °C) in the absence or presence of Bpa. Bpa-dependent complementation was observed with position 250 of FtsQSH8 encoded by an amber codon (SH8ftsQ 250amber), indicating that mutant FtsQSH8 S250Bpa is functional. No complementation was observed with the similarly encoded position 248. B, E. coli strain LMC531 harboring a vector encoding wild-type FtsQSH8 (SH8ftsQ wild type) or FtsQSH8 Y248* (SH8ftsQ 248stop) were grown at the permissive temperature (30 °C) under non-inducing and inducing conditions. Rhamnose-induced expression of FtsQSH8 Y248* inhibited cell division, indicating a dominant negative effect as described previously (24, 38). EV, empty vector. Scale bars = 4 μm.