Effect of adenovirus-mediated CTCF transduction on corneal epithelial wound healing.
A, effect of overexpressing Ad-x-CTCF on mouse corneal epithelial wound healing. B, significant increase in wound healing rate in Ad-x-CTCF-transduced corneas. C, effects of overexpressing Ad-x-CTCF on corneal epithelial wound healing of p50−/− knockout mice. D, comparison of wound healing in corneas of wild-type and p50−/− knockout mice with/without overexpression of CTCF. A green color indicates cells expressing GFP after adenoviral transduction of the corneal surface. Arrows indicate nude regions of the corneal surface without epithelial coverage. The left eye of each mouse was subject to experiments, and the right eye served as the control. *, p < 0.05 (n = 4).