Sequence analysis of CvGal1 and the modeling template BaGal1 and interactions of BaGal1 with N-acetyllactosamine and blood group A oligosaccharides. A, sequence alignment of the template, B. arenarum galectin-1 (BaGal1; PDB code 1GAN (24)), and the four CRDs (peptides A, B, C, and D) of CvGal1 is shown. The secondary structure elements of the template are indicated above the corresponding residues. Identical residues are white with red background; regions scoring higher than 70% using a Risler's similarity scoring-matrix (60) are boxed with red letters. The figure was made using ESPript. The numbers below the residues indicate the recognition of a particular carbohydrate epitope of C and D. B, in the overlay between the modeled CvGal1 CRDs and BaGal1, a bound N-acetyllactosamine is shown. Loop 4 of the CvGal1 CRDs is shorter than the loop 4 of BaGal1. See also supplemental Fig. S1. C, recognition of A type 1 (Galβ(1–3)GlcNAc) oligosaccharide. D, recognition of A type 2 (Galβ(1–4)GlcNAc) oligosaccharide. Carbohydrate epitopes are labeled with numbers in parentheses that are associated with residues in A that recognize them.