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. 2013 Aug 23;4:329. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00329

Figure 7.

Figure 7

Auxin response of CmF-308-transgenic tomato plants. (A) Primary root length of CmF-308-2 and control M-82 tomato seedlings after incubation in various concentrations of NAA. Seedlings were germinated on filter paper soaked in the auxin solutions in the dark. Lengths of primary roots were measured 10 days after germination. Data represent means of eight replications ± SE. Different letters indicate significant differences between auxin concentration treatments in each plant line Axillary at p < 0.05 by Tukey's HSD-test. (B) Auxin dose-response assay of cotyledon explants showing reduced auxin sensitivity in CmF308-2 cotyledons as compared to controls. Root regeneration is promoted by 0.1 μM NAA in the control variety and by 10 times higher concentration (1.0 μM NAA) in the transgenic line CmF-308-2. Pictures of representative plates were taken 12 days after placing the cut cotyledons on the various auxin media.