Figure 6.
Determination of micronuclei (MN) formation in MEFs. Micronuclei (MN) analysis was conducted in cytokinesis-arrested cells prepared from Klf4+/+ and from Klf4−/−MEFs transfected with GFP or Klf4-GFP. (A)Klf4+/+ and Klf4−/−MEFs transfected with GFP or Klf4-GFP were treated with cytochalasin-B (CCB) and Hoechst stain (blue) was used to visualize nuclei. Shown are representative images of cells containing MN. (B) Histogram showing quantification of percent of binucleated cells with MN 24h post CCB treatment. At least 200 green cells were counted for each genotype per experiment. N = 3; *** p < 0.001 compared to GFP-transfected Klf4−/− cells.