Figure 1.
Gene expression profiles in mammary fat for diets containing casein / lactalbumin (C/L), standard soy protein (SOY), and glyceollin-enriched soy protein (GLY). a, Venn diagram showing total number of genes (with GenBank identifiers) with FC > 1.5, ANOVA P < 0.05, quality > 2, and t-test P < 0.05 compared to C/L group. b-c, Hierarchical clustering dendrogram and principal component analysis (b) and corresponding heat map (c) for gene probes with FC > 1.5 and ANOVA P < 0.05 (n = 252). Euclidean distance and average linkage were used for dendrogram and clustering. Red and green colors on heatmap indicate increased and decreased expression, respectively. d, Top canonical pathways among genes significantly altered at FC > 1.5 by GLY (n= 129 mapped genes) and SOY (n= 129 mapped genes) diets identified by Ingenuity pathway analysis.