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. 2013 Aug 8;10:91. doi: 10.1186/1743-0003-10-91

Table 3.

Significant inertial-sensor-based variables (p < 0.05) with associated sensor location

Category Variable Sensor location
Position and Angle Variables
AP peak to peak amplitude
LB [52]
ML peak to peak amplitude
LB [52]
V peak to peak amplitude
LB [52]
AP and ML postural sway length during stance
LB [43,51]
Trunk tilt
St [44]
Angular Velocity Variables
Min, mean, max AP
Sha [50]
Min, mean, max ML
Sha [50]
Min, mean, max V
Sha [50]
AP peak to peak amplitude
LB [52]
ML peak to peak amplitude
Sha [50]
V peak to peak amplitude
LB [52]
Postural sway velocity during stance
LB [43,51]
Mean squared modulus ratio for postural sway
LB [46-48]
AP RMS during stance
LB [51]
ML RMS during stance
LB [51]
V RMS during stance
LB [51]
3D RMS during stance
LB [51]
ML variability
UB [73]
Linear Acceleration Variables
Median AP
LB [74]
SD of AP
He [18], LB [74], Hi [18]
Peak AP
UB [75]
Peak V
UB [75]
AP peak to peak amplitude
LB [52]
ML peak to peak amplitude
LB [49,52,60]
V peak to peak amplitude
LB [52]
He [55], LB [55]
He [55], LB [55]
He [55], LB [55,71]
AP RMS during stance
LB [51]
ML RMS during stance
LB [51]
V RMS during stance
LB [51]
2D RMS (ML and AP) during stance
LB [43]
LB [1,57]
3D RMS during stance
LB [51]
St [42]
Sit to stand AP range
LB [74]
Stand to sit AP range
LB [74]
Sit to stand Jerk
LB [74]
Dissimilarity of AST subcomponents
LB [57,67]
Dissimilarity of STS subcomponents
LB [67,68,70]
Spatial Variables
Number of steps
LB [60], Sha [50]
Step length
He [64], LB [60,64,72]
Temporal Variables
Gait Speed
He [55,64], LB [40,44,55,64,72,74]
He [64], LB [39,58,64], Kn [41], Sha [50], An [41]
Step duration
LB [74], Sha [50]
Step duration variability
He [55], LB [55]
Stride time
Fo [71]
SD of stride time
Fo [71]
% GC double support
Sha [50]
TUG time
LB [66,74], Sha [50]
TUG subcomponent time
LB [57,66], Sha [50]
TUG: number of gait cycles
Sha [50]
STS time
LB [66]
STS subcomponent times
LB [57], Th [42]
SD of STS subcomponent times
LB [66]
Normalized SD of STS subcomponent times
LB [58,66]
Sit/stand transition duration
St [17,45]
Sit/stand SD of transition duration
St [17]
AST time
LB [66]
AST subcomponent times
LB [57,58,68,70]
SD of AST subcomponent times
LB [66]
Normalized SD of AST subcomponent times
LB [67,68,70]
Energy Variables Kinetic Energy
LB [49]
Local wavelet energy
St [45]
Summed magnitude area of acceleration
LB [57,58,67]
25% quartile frequency
He [18], Hi [18]
50% quartile frequency
He [18], Hi [18]
75% quartile frequency
He [18], Hi [18]
Sway frequency during stance
LB [51]
Number of FFT peaks
LB [61,62]
Dominant FFT peak parameters
LB [59,61,62]
1st FFT peak parameters
Sho [41], El [41], Wr [41], Kn [41], An [41]
Ratio of magnitude of even harmonics to odd harmonics
He [55,64], UB [44,75], LB [44,50,52,53,59,72]
Area under 1st 6 harmonics divided by remaining area
LB [57,58]
Ratio of 1st 4 harmonics to magnitude of 1st 6 harmonics
LB [57,58]
ML spectral edge frequency
St [42]
Entropy of power spectrum
LB [53]
Correlation between left and right arm signals
Sho [41], El [41], Wr [41]
Maximum V acceleration Lyapunov Exponent
Hi [56], Kn [56], An [56]
Maximum AV Lyapunov Exponent
UB [73], Hi [56], Kn [56], An [56]
Autocorrelation coefficients of acceleration signal
LB [39,65]
Trunk level forces
St [45]
Continuous wavelet transform
LB [63]
Discrete wavelet transform
St [45], LB [63]
Detrended fluctuation fractal scaling index of acceleration derived stride time
Fo [69]
Fractal dimension of acceleration versus AV
St [45]
Number of abnormal sit/stand transitions St [17]

An, ankle, AP, anteroposterior, AST, Alternating Step Test, AV, angular velocity, COP, center of pressure, CoV, coefficient of variation, El, elbow, FFT, Fast Fourier Transform, Fo, foot, He, head, Hi, hip, GC, gait cycle, Kn, knee, LB, lower back, ML, mediolateral, RMS, Root Mean Square, SD, standard deviation, Sha, shank, Sho, shoulder, St, sternum, STS, sit-to-stand transitions, Th, thigh, TUG, Timed Up and Go, UB, upper back, V, vertical, Wr, wrist.