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. 2013 Aug 17;13:321. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-321

Table 1.

Weight wise community module: in-person program

Topic Content
Module one - getting started: planning for success
Learn about obesity (what is it, what can cause it, what are some treatment choices).
Learn ways to record what you eat, how active you are and how you are feeling emotionally.
Learn about goal setting and how to deal with barriers.
Module two – lifestyle change: a toolkit for success
Learn how to make and keep healthy lifestyle changes.
Learn strategies such as prioritizing, journaling, problem solving, thinking skills and goal setting.
Module three - finding balance: the role of calories in weight management
Learn about the top 5 ways to lower calories and practice strategies in class.
Module four - managing hunger and appetite
Explore the difference between hunger and appetite.
Practice techniques to manage appetite triggers and social pressures.
Module five - moving matters – including physical activity in your day
Explore the benefits and barriers to being more active.
Receive tips on how to get more physically active.
Set your own personal activity goals.
Module six - nutrition: the truth about what works in weight management
Evaluate what you are eating and learn strategies that can help lower your calories.
Explore how meal patterns, food choices and portion size affect calorie intake.
Learn about which foods can help you manage your weight.
Module seven - nutrition: i know i should eat healthy, but how?
Leave with tips on how to put your nutrition knowledge into practice.
Explore the 4 P’s: Plan, Purchase, Prepare and Pack.
Module eight- nutrition: eating away from home and during special occasions
Learn how buffets, parties, vacation and holiday eating can affect calorie intake.
Leave with strategies to minimize extra calories when eating away from home and during special occasions.
Module nine - minding stress: effectively reduce and manage the stress in your life (two consecutive sessions) Learn about all the different reasons why people eat.
Learn how to cope with emotional eating.
Learn how to feel more in control of your eating.