Figure 1. Rapid single-step generation of human iN cells.
A, Design of lentiviral vectors for Ngn2-mediated conversion of ES and iPS cells to iN cells. Cells are transduced with (i) a virus expressing rtTA and (ii) either a single additional virus expressing an Ngn2/EGFP/puromycin resistance gene as a fusion protein linked by P2A and T2A sequences, or with two viruses that separately express Ngn2/puromycin resistance gene and EGFP.
B, Flow diagram of iN cell generation.
C, Representative images illustrating the time course of the conversion of H1 ES cells into iN cells. Corresponding differential interference contrast (DIC) and GFP fluorescence pictures are shown on top and bottom.
D, Representative images of converted iN cells from two different iPS cells lines at day 6 and day 14. Note that iN cells are clearly identifiable already on day 6. For iN cells generated with NeuroD1 expression, see Fig. S1.