Figure 1. Schematic presentation of opsin promoter-luciferase constructs.
A. Exon intron structure of human red opsin gene. B. Luciferase constructs of a serial deletion of 5′ promoter region of human red opsin. C. Luciferase constructs containing various fragments from exon/intron region of human red opsin fused with 1.0 kb, or 0.3 kb of 5′ promoter, or interferon promoter (p55B) region of human red opsin are shown. D. Upper diagram shows exon/intron structure of mouse M-opsin gene. Luciferase constructs of mouse M-opsin promoter are schematically shown in lower part. E. Upper diagram shows exon/intron structure of common marmoset red opsin gene, and luciferase constructs are schematically shown in lower part. Information of exon/intron structure was quoted from Sanger Institute public database, and TSS (transcriptional start site) is designated as nucleotide number 1. nt, nucleotide; ex, exon: LCR, locus control region.