A. Luciferase constructs containing mouse M-opsin promoter (mRU0.3) or M-opsin exon/intron region (mRD11–14) were transfected into HEK293T cells with TRß2 expression plasmid or a control plasmid, and cultured for 12 hours, and T3 (100 nM) was added half of samples and cultured additional 16 hours. Luciferase activities were examined and expressed as relative values. B. Common marmoset long opsin promoter luciferase plasmid (cmLU0.3) or exon/intron construct (cmLD11–14) were transfected into HEK293T cells with TRß 2 expression plasmid and cultured and luciferase activities were analyzed as described for A. p value; **<0.01, n.s., (not significant), or actual value was calculated by Student’s t-test. C–F. Expression of COUP-TFII, L (long)-opsin (C, D), and PNR (E) in common marmoset retina. Common marmoset retina was fixed with PFA and frozen sectioned. Immunostaining was done, and photos of foveal pit region (C), peripheral region (D, E) are shown. The right panels in D and left panels in E are enlarged photos of a part indicated by orange squares of left (D) and right (E) photos. Arrows (yellow) in C and D indicate signals of L-opsin, and asterisks in D and E indicate non specific staining. Arrows (blue) in E indicate PNR signals. In outer nuclear layer, nucleus of cone aligned apical one layer (pink arrows), and basal nucleus are rods (blue double arrows) in D, and E. Scale bar in C, 100 µm. F indicates magnified photo of L-opsin immunostaining. G–I. Expression of COU-TFII and S (short)-opsin in common marmoset retina. Photos of foveal pit region (H), peripheral/dorsal (H), and peripheral/ventral (I) regions are shown. The right panels in H are enlarged photos of the part indicated by a yellow square in H. OS, outer segment; ONL, outer nuclear layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; GCL, ganglion cell layer; IS, inner segment.