Fig. 1.
TNFSF15 inhibition of VEGF-driven, EPC-supported vasculogenesis in Matrigel plugs. (A) Comparison of blood vessel formation in Matrigel plugs on experimental animals (n = 6 per group) treated with (a and b) vehicle or (c and d) TNFSF15 (5 mg/kg). (a and c) Typical images of Matrigel plugs from vehicle- or TNFSF15-treated groups. (Scale bar, 1 mm.) (b and d) H&E-stained cross-sections (5 μm) of the plugs from vehicle- or TNFSF15-treated groups. (Scale bar, 10 μm.) (B) Blood vessel densities of H&E-stained cross-sections of vehicle- or TNFSF15-treated plugs. (C) Fluorescent confocal microscopic images of frozen sections of Matrigel plugs from vehicle- or TNFSF15-treated groups. Red, CD31. Green, GFP. Blue, DAPI. Yellow, CD31-GFP double positive. (Scale bar, 50 μm.) The experiments were repeated once. Numbers on top of bars indicate the numbers of animals per group. Data are mean ± SD. **P < 0.01, Student t test.