(a) Mature cultured cortical neurons were transfected with either GFP, GFP-expressing kalirin-shRNA, or a GFP-expressing control shRNA for 3-days, with or without 3-day NRG1 treatment. Scale bar=10µm.
(b) Quantification of cells treated as in a. NRG1 increased spine area and spine density in GFP-expressing neurons. With NRG1 treatment, cells expressing the control RNAi show a greater spine area and density relative to cells expressing kalirin RNAi. N=6 cells per condition, 162 spines for control, 366 spines for NRG1, 110 spines for kalirin shRNA+NRG1, 140 spines for control shRNA+NRG1. Data are the mean±SEM. *p<0.05, ***p<0.001.