263KR+ was absent in brain-derived or sPMCAb-derived 263K. A) sPMCAb reactions seeded with 104-fold diluted 263K brain material (top panel) or 104-fold diluted 263K brain material mixed with 2000-fold diluted sPMCAb-derived 263KR+ (bottom panel). 2000-fold dilution between serial rounds were used in both reactions. B) Brain-derived 263K material was subjected to 10 sPMCAb rounds in NBH, then sPMCAb reactions were seeded with sPMCAb-derived 263K (upper panel) or 263KR+ (lower panel). 1000- or 2000-fold dilutions between serial rounds were used as indicated. Miniscule amounts of 263KR+ seeds were mixed with sPMCAb-derived 263K seeds at ratios 1:1000 or 1:2000 (top panel, lanes 5–7 and 11–13, respectively) to test whether sPMCAb-derived 263K interferes with 263KR+ amplification. C) Brain-derived 263K material was subjected to 24 sPMCAb rounds in NBH (not shown) and then to 4 additional rounds using 100-, 1000-, or 10,000-fold dilution factor between rounds. Western blots were stained with 3F4 antibody.