Figure 2. Purification of PfasMS binding protein from M. smegmatis strain mc2155 crude extracts.
A. Gel shift assay was performed using a 32P-labeled 448 bp PfasMS probe and partially purified affinity column-eluted fractions in the presence of poly-dIdC. FT1 and FT2, first and second flow through column fractions respectively; L, column wash fraction; E0.8, protein fraction eluted at 0.8 N saline concentration; E1, remaining protein fraction eluted at 1 N saline concentration.
B. SDS-PAGE from the active fraction eluted at 0.8 N saline concentration proved to contain four major proteins that were identified using MS-MS mass spectrometry. A protein of 24.4 kDa is the product of the MSMEG_1935 gene.