Adoptive transfer of B cells increases expression of regulatory molecules in recipient EAE mice. STAT-6, IL-10, SMAD3, and STAT-4 mRNA expression in spleen tissue measured by RT-PCR. (A) Relative mRNA levels in EAE mice that received CD19+ cells from naïve or GA conditioned mice on day 0; (B) Relative mRNA levels in EAE mice that received CD5+CD19+ cells from naïve or GA conditioned mice on day 0. Treatment groups: EAE (EAE induced C57BL/6 mice); EAE/NM CD19+ (EAE induced mice that received CD19+ cells from naïve mice); EAE/GA cond CD19+ (EAE induced mice that received CD19+ cells from GA conditioned mice); EAE/NM CD19+CD5+ (EAE induced mice that received CD19+CD5+ cell from naïve mice); EAE/ GA cond CD19+CD5+; (EAE induced mice that received CD19+CD5+ cells from GA conditioned mice). Expressions of indicated molecules are shown relative to levels seen in naïve mice. Data shown is one experiment that represents results of 3 independent experiments and depict the mean of 6 different mice±SEM. Statistical significance of cell treatments: * (P<0.001), GA conditioned cell recipient mice vs. naïve cell recipient mice or EAE mice; §(P<0,001), Naive cell recipient mice vs. EAE mice.