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. 2013 Sep 4;16(3):120–142. doi: 10.5770/cgj.16.76


Reported associations of Trails B with predicting driving safety (studies with no association shaded in gray)

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Author, Year (Country) Sample Size (in ascending order) Association of Trails B with Predicting Driving Safety (positive or no association) Strength of Association
Crizzle, 2012 (U.S.)(63) 16 No association -
Fox, 1997 (Australia)(48) 19 No association -
Brooke, 1992 (U.S.)(62) 20 No association -
Szlyk, 2002 (U.S.)(36) 22 Positive Correlation (Pearson or Spearman) r = 0.608, p = .004 for lane boundary crossing; r = −0.571, p = .009 for speed; r = −0.563, p = .01 for brake pedal pressure
Ott, 2003 (U.S.)(50) 27 Positive F(1,22) test = 6.03, p = .02 for relation to caregiver rating scale of driving ability
Scally, 2011 Australia)(26) 28 Positive Pearson correlation r = 0.61, p < .01 for invalidly cued braking point in Parkinson’s Disease group and r = 0.59, p < .01 in control group; r = 0.58, p < .01for validly cued braking point in control group
Elkin-Frankston, 2007 (U.S.)(23) 29 No association (with both Trails B and Color Trails Test 2) -
Hartman-Maier, 2008 (Israel)(24) 30 No association – with Color Trails Test 2. Does not look at Trails B. -
Rizzo, 2001 (U.S.)(49) 30 Positive Odds Ratio 13.47 for crashes (95% CI 1.19–747.68); p = .016
Lundqvist, 2007 (Sweden)(57) 30 No association -
Alexandersen, 2009 (Norway)(56) 35 No association -
Rizzo, 1997 (U.S.)(47) 39 Positive Odds Ratio 30.19 for crashes (95% CI 3.8−), p < .001
Whelihan, 2005 (U.S.)(55) 46 Positive Zero-order correlation r = 0.46, p < .05 for on-road driving evaluation
Soderstrom, 2006 (Sweden)(59) 54 No association -
Petrakos, 2009 (U.S.)(31) 57 No association -
Novack, 2006 (U.S.)(61) 60 Positive Standardized regression coefficient = 0.29 (p < .05) for predictor of global driving evaluation rating and 0.03 for observer-rated Driving Assessment Scale score
Devos, 2012 (Belgium)(58) 60 Positive Wilcoxon rank sum test W = 301, p = .009
Grace, 2005 (U.S.)(46) 62 Positive F(1.34) = 13.05, p = .001 for on-road driving test
Hargrave, 2012 (U.S.)(10) 76 Positive Odds Ratio 1.012, p < .05 for on-road driving evaluation outcome
Niewoehner, 2012 (U.S.)(30) 77 Positive p < .001 for on-road driving test; Pearson correlation coefficients done but not reported.
Lundqvist, 2008 (Sweden)(60) 80 No association -
Mazer, 1998 (Canada)(14) 84 Positive Odds Ratio 5.96 (CI 1.83–19.42), p < .01 for on-road driving evaluation; Positive Predictive Value = 85.2%, Negative Predictive Value = 48.1%
Carr, 2011 (U.S.)(54) 85 Positive p < .001 for on-road driving evaluation outcome
Selander, 2011 (Sweden)(44) 85 No association -
Emerson, 2012 (U.S.)(40) 100 Positive Hazard Ratio 1.40 (95% CI 1.06–1.84), p < .05 for ability to predict future crashes.
Park, 2011 (Korea)(43) 103 Positive None provided
Bliokas, 2011 (Australia)(17) 104 Positive Pearson’s r = 0.28 (p < .01) for number of corrective interventions performed by driving instructor during on-road test; Spearman rho = 0.32 (p < .01) for pass/fail on road test
Tarawneh, 1993 (U.S.)(39) 105 Positive Correlation coefficient −0.42, p = .0001 for on-road driving performance
Freund, 2008 (U.S.)(32) 108 Positive F(2,76) = 9.96, p < .001 for driving simulator performance
Ott, 2008 (U.S.)(53) 121 Positive Pearson’s r = 0.48, p < .0005 for on-road driving evaluation score
Cushman, 1996 (U.S.)(38) 123 Positive t = 7.10, p < .001 for on-road driving performance
Marottoli, 1998 (U.S.)(11) 125 Positive Hazard Ratio 1.42 for self-reported events
Classen, 2008 (U.S.)(16) 127 Positive Odds Ratio 2.5 (95% CI 1.0–5.9) for failing on-road driving test
Betz, 2009 (U.S.)(15) 144 No association -
Dawson, 2009 (U.S.)(45) 155 No association -
O’Connor, 2010 (U.S.)(42) 160 Positive p < .001 for on-road driving evaluation outcome
Uc, 2005 (U.S.)(51) 170 Positive Spearman correlation r = −0.45, p < .0001 for Landmark and Traffic Identification Test on a driving simulator
Freund, 2008 (U.S.)(33) 176 No association -
Uc, 2006 (U.S.)(52) 176 Positive Odds Ratios for unsafe outcomes on driving simulator: 1.22 (95% CI 1.01–1.46) for crash or risky avoidance behaviour, 1.31 (95% CI 1.12–1.54) for abrupt slowing, 1.17 (95% CI 1.02–1.35) for premature stopping
Uc, 2006 (U.S.)(25) 230 Positive Spearman correlation r = 0.35, p < .01 for Trails B-A for at-fault safety errors on driving simulator
Wood, 2008 (Australia)(34) 270 Positive t(55.6) = −3.15, p < .01 for on-road driving evaluation outcome
Rozzini, 2012 (Italy)(41) 297 Positive Odds Ratio 2.3 (95% CI 1.06–4.9), p < .03 for self-reported crash
Kantor, 2004 (U.S.)(29) 664 Positive
Reports positive association as cues needed to complete Trails B – methodology for determining “cue score” was not mentioned.
Statistical analysis for Trails B alone not provided in clear terms
Staplin, 2003 (U.S.) (original MaryPODS data)(13) 1876 Positive
The original data included two years of prospective crash data.
Odds Ratio 3.50, p < .01 for at-fault crashes; Odds Ratio 1.72, p < .01 for frequencies of violations
Staplin, 2003 (U.S.) (updated MaryPODS data)(35) 1876 No association
This updated analysis included one additional year of driving experience.
Ball, 2006 (U.S.)(12) 1910 Positive Odds Ratio 1.21 (95% CI 1.01–1.44), p = .04 for future at-fault crashes
Stutts, 1998 (U.S.)(37) 3238 Positive Odds Ratio 1.06 (95% CI 1.01–1.11) for crash involvement