Figure 2. Immunohistochemistry and histological scores.
Immunohistochemistry of frozen sections in mouse pancreas (A, B, C) and in rat pancreas (D, E). A and D were reacted by primary antibody of WT mice pooled sera. B, C and E were reacted by primary antibody of Aire KO mice pooled sera. B, C and E show strong fluorescence in the whole tissue. F, histological scores of Aire WT (open circles) and Aire KO (closed triangles) are that the evaluation of lymphocyte infiltration into pancreas was as follows, 0; none of lymphocyte infiltration, 1; lymphocyte infiltration only in perivascular area, 2; lymphocyte infiltration in the perivascular and the acinus tissue, 3; lymphocyte infiltration in the whole acinus tissue associated with breakdown of the acinus tissue due to fatty degeneration.