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. 2013 Aug 26;8(8):e72038. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072038

Table 3. Codon usage and codon-anticodon recognition pattern for tRNA in the mitochondrial genome of Ganoderma lucidum.

AA Codon % of all codons(non-intronic proteins) % of all codons(intronic proteins) tRNA genefound AA Codon % of all codons(non-intronic proteins) % of all codons(intronic proteins) tRNA genefound
Ala GCA 2.47 1.04 + Pro CCC 0.09 0.08
Ala GCC 0.52 0.24 Pro CCG 0.11 0
Ala GCG 0.04 0 Pro CCU 1.9 2.25
Ala GCU 3.26 1.20 Gln CAA 2.47 1.85 +
Cys UGC 0.07 0.16 + Gln CAG 0.07 0.40
Cys UGU 0.44 0.80 Arg AGA 1.99 3.53 +
Asp GAC 0.2 0.32 + Arg AGG 0.02 0.16
Asp GAU 2.03 3.69 Arg CGA 0.02 0.08 +
Glu GAA 2.43 5.78 + Arg CGC 0 0
Glu GAG 0.09 0.72 Arg CGG 0 0.08
Phe UUC 3.04 0.32 + Arg CGU 0 0.24
Phe UUU 5.27 4.82 Ser AGC 0.04 0.32 ++
Gly GGA 2.69 1.36 + Ser AGU 2.88 1.93
Gly GGC 0.02 0.24 Ser UCA 2.97 1.77 +
Gly GGG 0.68 0.48 Ser UCC 0.11 0
Gly GGU 3.08 3.29 Ser UCG 0.04 0.16
His CAC 0.61 0.64 + Ser UCU 2.51 3.13
His CAU 1.31 2.01 Thr ACA 2.6 2.25 +
Ile AUA 5.11 3.85 Thr ACC 0.22 0.32
Ile AUC 1.4 0.72 + Thr ACG 0.04 0.08
Ile AUU 5.03 3.37 Thr ACU 2.69 2.33
Lys AAA 2.93 10.03 + Val GUA 3.8 2.09 +
Lys AAG 0 1.12 Val GUC 0.22 0.24
Leu CUA 0.63 1.52 + Val GUG 0.72 0
Leu CUC 0 0.16 Val GUU 1.94 1.93
Leu CUG 0.09 0.16 Trp UGG 1.2 1.20 +
Leu CUU 0.66 1.36 Trp UGA 0 0.08
Leu UUA 13.4 7.06 + Tyr UAC 1.01 0.40 +
Leu UUG 0.44 0.56 Tyr UAU 3.72 5.54
Met AUG 1.99 1.44 +++ SeC UGA 0 0 +
Met GUG 0.02 0 * UAA 0.33 0.16
Asn AAC 0.63 0.80 + * UAG 0.04 0.16
Asn AAU 4.11 7.22 * UGA 0 0
Pro CCA 1.57 0.24 +

Abbreviations: “AA”: amino acid; “+”: one copy of tRNA gene is found; “++”: two copies of tRNA genes are found; “+++”: three copies of tRNA genes are found; “−”: no corresponding tRNA genes are found; “*”: stop codons.