Figure 3.
VDD Expression and Promoter Analysis during Seed Development.
(A) and (B) VDD in situ hybridization analysis in developing seeds with globular (A) and heart stage (B) embryos.
(C) and (D) GUS expression in seeds of proVDD:GUS lines.
(E) and (F) GUS expression in seeds of proVDDm2:GUS lines.
(G) and (H) Absence of GUS expression in proVDDm1:GUS. Absence of GUS expression was also observed in plants containing the following constructs: proVDDm3:GUS, proVDDm1-2:GUS, proVDDm1-3:GUS, proVDDm2-3:GUS, and proVDDm1-2-3:GUS.
e, embryo; en, endothelium. Bars = 20 µm.