Figure 4.
CK1.3 and CK1.4 Act Dependently on CRY2 in Blue Light Signaling.
(A) Analysis of the hypocotyl lengths of wild-type (WT), ck1.3-1, ck1.4-1, ck1.3-1 cry2, ck1.4-1 cry2, ck1.3-1 CRY2ox, and ck1.4-1 CRY2ox seedlings grown under dark, white light, or blue light for 7 d showed that deficiency of CK1.3 or CK1.4 did not affect the elongated hypocotyls of cry2 or the shortened hypocotyls resulting from CRY2 overexpression (CRY2ox). Hypocotyl lengths were measured and statistically analyzed (*P < 0.05). Error bars represent sd (n > 30).
(B) Overexpression of CK1.3 (left) or CK1.4 (right) in CRY2ox seedlings. The relative transcription level of CK1.3 and CK1.4 in CRY2ox seedlings was detected by qRT-PCR using ACTIN7 as an internal positive control. Expression level of CK1.3 or CK1.4 in wild-type seedlings was set as 1.0. The data are presented as the average ± se. The experiments were repeated three times.
(C) Overexpression of CK1.3 or CK1.4 in CRY2ox partially suppresses the shortened hypocotyls under blue light. Hypocotyl lengths of 7-d-old seedlings were measured and statistically analyzed (**P < 0.01). Error bars represent sd (n > 30).
(D) Phenotypic observations of 4-week-old wild-type, CRY2ox, and CRY2ox plants overexpressing CK1.3 or CK1.4 showed that the shortened petiole of CRY2ox under short-day conditions (9 h light/15 h dark) was suppressed by overexpression of CK1.3 or CK1.4. Bar = 2 cm.