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. 2013 Aug 19;10(10):1352–1360. doi: 10.7150/ijms.6714

Table 1.

Percentage distribution and case-fatality rates of adult hospitalizations with a diagnosis of VTE by demographic and clinical characteristics, NIS, 2009

Characteristics Unweighted
Estimated distribution In-hospital death (Na = 44,200)
N % Case-fatality (%) CIb P-valuec
Overall 153,124 773,273 100 5.7 5.5-5.9
Age P<0.001
18-49 32,448 163,007 21.1 2.7 2.5-3.0
50-79 87,401 441,227 57.1 6.0 5.7-6.2
≥80 33,275 169,039 21.9 7.9 7.5-8.3
Sex P<0.001
Male 73,324 369,954 47.9 6.0 5.8-6.3
Female 79,800 403,319 52.1 5.4 5.2-5.7
Race/ethnicityd P<0.001
White 93,654 473,796 61.3 5.6 5.4-5.9
Black 20,814 105,294 13.6 5.8 5.4-6.2
Hispanic 9,074 45,842 5.9 6.1 5.6-6.8
Asian or other race/ethnicity 6,289 32,321 4.2 7.8 7.0-8.6
Not stated 23,293 116,020 15.0 5.3 4.7-6.0
Days of hospital stay P<0.001
< 7 days 83,673 422,955 54.7 4.3 4.1-4.5
≥ 7 days 69,451 350,318 45.3 7.5 7.2-7.8
Primary expected payer P<0.001
Medicare 85,207 431,696 55.8 6.7 6.4-6.9
Medicaid 13,829 69,660 9.0 4.8 4.4-5.2
Private including HMO 42,151 212,229 27.4 4.5 4.2-4.8
Self-pay or other payers 11,937 59,688 7.7 4.4 4.0-4.9
Operating room procedure P<0.001
No procedure of any kind recorded 61,111 309,521 40.0 1.9 1.8-2.1
Non-operating room procedure
48,877 246,454 31.9 9.5 9.1-9.9
Operating room procedure recordedf 43,136 217,298 28.1 6.6 6.3-6.9
Number of comorbiditiesg P<0.001
0 10,998 55,743 7.2 1.7 1.4-2.0
1 23,177 117,449 15.2 3.4 3.1-3.7
2 30,808 156,034 20.2 4.4 4.1-4.8
3 30,831 154,254 19.9 5.3 5.5-5.7
4 24,205 122,067 15.8 6.4 6.0-6.8
≥5 33,405 167,726 21.7 9.7 9.3-10.2

a. Estimated (N) number of in-hospital deaths with a diagnosis of VTE. b. 95% confidence interval. c. P-value for Pearson Chi-Square test. d. May not be nationally representative because not all participating states collect race/ethnicity information. e. Had at least one minor diagnostic or minor therapeutic procedure (without any major diagnostic or major therapeutic procedure) during hospitalization. f. Had at least one major diagnostic or major therapeutic procedure during hospitalization. g. Based on AHRQ 29-comorbidity index.