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. 2013 Jul 4;29(18):2253–2260. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt389

Table 1.

Per read accuracy for known bacteria shown in percentages

Application Database Species Genus Family Order Wrong No label No hits
LMAT kFull 74.2 (99.7) 6.7 (99.9) 1.4 (100) 0.4 (100) 0.3 10.1 0
LMAT kML 40.4 (99.8) 4.1 (99.9) 0.8 (100) 0.1 (100) 0.2 51.3 17.7
PhymmBL Published – (95.4) 4.6
PhymmBL GenBank 88.3 (92.5) 7.5 11.7
Genometa Published 66.7 (92.2) 7.8 33.3

Note: Per rank accuracy shows two values—percentage of all reads correctly labeled by rank (species, genus, family or order) or incorrectly labeled (Wrong) or failed to be assigned a label (No label and No hits). In parentheses shows percentage of reads assigned a label at the specified rank that were correct. No label = reads with no taxonomically informative label assigned and includes No hits, No hits = reads with no k-mer matches to the database. – = entry not applicable.