Figure 2. The influence of current status on the formation of new links in the Flickr and Epinions (in the insets) networks.
(a)–(d) The cumulative functions of relative probability, κf (kf), κf (kout), κf (kin), and κin(kin), respectively, characterizing the cross correlations in the growth of degrees. For example, in (b), κf (kout) plots the cumulative probability for a user to build a new cross link given that his existing outdegree is kout. The exponents are obtained by fitting the curves averaged over different initial t0, and Δt is one day. See the text for the definitions of the triadic and non-triadic links. (e)–(f) Characterizing the localized influence among neighboring users. (e) The cumulative functions of probability for a user to build a cross link to a specific photo (review) given that u of his neighbors have already favorite-marked (commented) it. (f) The cumulative functions of relative probability for a pair of users to build a social link given that they have already shared z favorite photos (reviews). The straight lines are guide to the eye through this paper.