Table 1.
CU patient demographics, tests, autoimmune status, and response patterns to omalizumab
Diagnoses include CU, AE, and/or Phys. Test results are shown as Pos, Neg, or NC. Pos/Neg laboratory values based on laboratory guidelines from respective testing facility. Previous immunomodulators use includes CsA, HCQ, Tac, and MMF. Responses were categorized as Comp, Part, or none.
*Denotes continuing omalizumab therapy.
#Denotes that dosing was based on the nomogram recommended for use in asthma.
$ Denotes that immunomodulators were not used because of comorbid conditions.
CU = chronic urticaria; AE = angioedema; Phys = physical urticaria; Pos = positive; Neg = negative; NC = not checked; CsA = cyclosporine; HCQ = hydroxychloroquine; Tac = tacrolimus; MMF = mycophenolate; Comp = complete; Part = partial.