Fig 4.
Characteristics of sex-biased genes classified by chromatin cluster. (A) Sex dependence of the chromatin marks identified using MACS or SICER associated with the following sets of genes: all male- and female-biased genes, the two largest classes of sex-biased genes that lack sex differences in local chromatin marks (F1 and M1), and three classes of sex-biased genes that exhibit sex differences in local chromatin marks (F3, M3, and M4). none, no MACS- or SICER-identified mark associated with the promoter (K4me3) or gene body (all other marks); *, chromatin mark for which the distribution (male, female, sex-independent [sex-indep], or none) for that category of genes is significantly different from that for the set of all male-biased or all female-biased genes (P < 0.05; chi-square test). See Fig. S6E in the supplemental material for a complete data set for all six classes of male-biased genes and all six classes of female-biased genes. (B) Gene expression log2 sex ratios for female-biased and male-biased gene classes. The dashed horizontal line indicates median log2 sex ratio for all female-biased genes or all male-biased genes. (C) Heat map of sex ratios in chromatin marks in the 2-kb regions surrounding the TSS and TES for gene classes F3, M3, and M4. Red, female bias; blue, male bias.