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. 2001 Jul 16;1:3. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-1-3

Table 2.

Systematic reviews of clinical trials of acupuncture & acupressure in rheumatic diseases, addiction, nausea and asthma

Author Year Indication Controls Studies s Results Conclusion
1 / 2 / 3
/ 4 / 5
Rheumatic diseases
Berman 99 fibromylgia sham, other 3 RCT, 3 CS y / y / y / Acupuncture more effective than sham for Limited amount of evidence positive.
[28] treatments y / n symptoms and global ratings Further research needed
Ernst 97 [29] osteoarthriti sham, other 13 RCT y / p / n Both sham and true acupuncture improve The notion that acupuncture is
s and no / y / n symptoms but better trials suggest no superior to sham-needling is not
treatment difference between the two supported by data from controlled
clinical trials
Lauten- inflammator sham, no 2 RCT, 7 n / p / n Controlled trials contradictory, quality often Acupuncture cannot be
schläger 97 y treatment, CCT, 9 CS / y / n low recommended for rheumatoid
[30] rheumatoid other acup. arthritis, spondarthropathy, lupus
diseases eryth., sclerodermia
Jacobs 91** rheumatic sham, other 23 CCT p / y / n 7 trials positive, 13 trials no effect over No specific conclusion on
[31] diseases treatment / y / n placebo or control, 3 trials unclear acupuncture (generally: no
convincing evidence for alternative
therapies in rheumat.)
ter Riet 89 rheumatoid sham 1 RCT, y / p / y Only 1 trial summarized; this found positive No definitive conclusions possible
[32] arthritis 2CCT / n / n effects on pain but not on inflammation
White smoking sham, other 20 RCT y / y / y / Acupuncture vs. sham: OR for cessation There is no evidence for the specific
2000/99 cessation and no y / y 1.22 (95%CI 0.99–1.49) after treatment and effectiveness of acupuncture in
[33,34] treatment 1.02 (0.72–1.43) at 12 months. No difference smoking cessation greater than a
compared to other interventions, better than placebo effect
no treatment
White 97 smoking sham 7 RCT y / y / y / 6 of the 7 studies do not yield cessation rates Acupuncture for smoking cessation
[35] cessation y / n that are significantly different from sham does not produce an effect greater
acupuncture than placebo
Law 95* [36] smoking sham, other 8 RCT p / p / n Compared to control 3% (95%CI -1 to 6%) Acupuncture is ineffective
cessation and no / n / y more participants stopped smoking with
treatment acupuncture
ter Riet A. smoking sham, other A. 13 RCT, 2 y / p / y A. 3 of 15 studies positive Claims that acupuncture is effective
90/89 [37,38 cessat. and no CCT / y / n for the treatment of tobacco, alcohol
39] B. alcohol treatment, B. 1RCT, 1 B. 2 of 2 studies positive and heroine addiction are not
addict. other acu CCT supported by sound clinical research
C. heroine C. 5 CCT C. 3 of 5 studies positive
Lee 99 [40] postoperati sham, other 19 RCT y / p / y RR of early vomiting compared to Acupuncture equivalent to commonly
ve nausea and no / y / y antiemetics 0.89 (95%CI 0.47–1.67) and to used antiemetic drugs. More effective
(prevention) treatment placebo 0.47 (0.34–0.64), late vomiting 0.81 than placebo in first 6 h after surgery
(0.46–1.42) in adults but no benefit observed in
Aikins nausea in sham, no 7 RCT y / p / n 6 of 7 P6 acupressure trials positive, 1 trial Available evidence positive but
Murphy 99** pregnancy treatment / y / no on P6 electrical stimulation positive equivocal
Jewell 98* nausea in sham, no 4 RCT y / y / y / 3 of 4 P6 acupressure trials positive, 2 cross- Available evidence positive but
[42] early treatment y / y over trials excluded, best trial negative equivocal
Vickers 96 nausea in sham, other 33 CCT y / y / y / 27 of 33 trials positive, 11 of 12 sham- Except when administered under
[43] surgery, and no y / n controlled randomized trials positive anesthesia P6 acupuncture point
(stimulation pregnancy, treatment stimulation seems to be an effective
at point P6) chemother. antiemetic technic
Linde 98 [44] asthma sham 7 RCT y / y / y / Highly heterogeneous trials; two positive, five It is not yet possible to make any
(acute y / p found no difference recommendations about the practice
attack trials of acupuncture in the treatment of
excl.) asthma
Linde 96 [45] asthma sham, no, 15 RCT y / y / y / Contradictory results, highly heterogeneous There is insufficient data to draw
other y / n trials reliable conclusions about the
treatment effectiveness of acupuncture for
Kleijnen 91 asthma unclear 9 RCT, 4 y / p / y Quality low, contradictory results Claims that acupuncture is effective
[46] & ter CCT / n / n in the treatment of asthma are not
Riet 89 [47] based on well performed clinical trials

legend see table 1