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. 2001 Jul 16;1:3. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-1-3

Table 3.

Systematic reviews of clinical trials of acupuncture & acupressure in various conditions

Author Year Indication Controls Studies s Results Conclusion
1 / 2 / 3
/ 4 / 5
Park 2000 tinnitus sham, other 6 RCT y / y / y / 2 unblinded studies positive whereas 4 No evidence from rigorous RCT that
[48] treatment y / n blinded studies showed no significant effects acupuncture has specific effects in
of acupunct. the treatment of tinnitus
Dobie 99 * tinnitus sham, other 6 RCT p / p / p No significant effects shown. Patients in No specific conclusions for
[49] treatment / p / n cross-over studies tend to prefer acupuncture drawn (generally: no
acupuncture treatment well established)
Ernst 97 [50] weight or sham 4 RCT ? / y / y Two studies positive effect mainly on Claims that acupuncture reduces
appetite / y / y appetite, two studies (better quality) negative weight or appetite not based on well-
reduction performed clinical trials
Ernst 96 [51] stroke no 5 RCT, 1 y / y / n All trials suggest positive effects on Evidence encouraging but not
rehabilitatio treatment CCT / y / n functional recovery; numerous compelling
n (routine methodological problems
Harris 97 various sham, 23 clinical p / n / y P6 acupressure effective for nausea, other No clear conclusion beyond results
(only acu- other, no studies / n / n research scarce and low quality drawn
pressure) treatment
Rosted 98 dentistry sham, 15 RCT y / p / y Most studies with relevant methodological The value of acupuncture as an
[53] (mainly other, no / n / n problems. 11 of 15 trials with positive results analgesic must be questioned due to
temporoma treatment problems in the trials. But the effect
ndibular in temporomandibular dysfunction
dysfunction and facial pain seems real

legend see table 1