Fig 2.
(A) Percentages of uniquely mapping community genomics reads from the Nov05 sample to assembled genomes from AMD organisms. LeptoIV, Leptospirillum group IV UBA BS; LeptoIII, Leptospirillum ferrodiazotrophum; LeptoII_CG, Leptospirillum group II 5way CG type; Actino1 and Actino2, actinobacterial bins 1 and 2 (from our lab), respectively; Sulfo, Sulfobacillus bin; Fer1, Ferroplasma type I; Fer2_env, Ferroplasma type II. (B) Percent NSAF values in three community proteomics data sets (III and IV refer to L. ferrodiazotrophum [group III] and Leptospirillum group IV UBA BS protein abundances, respectively).