Table 1.
Assays for autophagosome maturation and autophagic degradationa
Assay | Description | Read out |
Protease sensitivity of LC3-II | LC3-II is degraded by lysosomal proteases following fusion of the autophagosome with the lysosome (53). Lysosomal protease inhibitors, which inhibit LC3-II degradation by the autolysosome, increase the steady-state level of LC3 II (53, 56). | Protein degradation by the autophagic pathway |
p62 Degradation | The p62/SQSTM1 protein directly binds LC3-II on the autophagosome membrane (54). p62 is degraded within the autolysosomes (55). A decrease in the steady state level of p62 following induction of autophagy indicates successful protein degradation through the pathway (55, 56). | Autolysosome formation |
LC3-II-lysosome colocalization | The cellular locale of autophagosome-associated GFP-tagged LC3-II can be monitored by fluorescence microscopy (67). During the initial stages of the autophagic pathway, colocalization of LC3-II with lysosomal markers is low. As autophagosomes mature and fuse with lysosomes, colocalization with lysosomal markers increases. Cellular lysosomes can be visualized by staining for protein markers such as LAMP-2, LAMP-1, and cathepsin D (31). | Autolysosome formation |
Tandem-tagged GFP-RFP-LC3 | Tandem-tagged RFP-GFP-LC3 localizes to the autophagosome membrane following induction of autophagy (58). Only the signal generated by the GFP protein is sensitive to the acidic and/or proteolytic conditions in the lumen of mature autophagosome and lysosomes. Colocalization of GFP and RFP signals is observed on early or immature autophagosomes. As autophagosomes mature, the GFP signal is lost, leading to only RFP fluorescence. | Autophagosome maturation |
Transmission electron microscopy | Autophagosomes can by identified by TEM as membrane-bound structures containing cytoplasmic material. Immature autophagosomes (AVi) show a double membrane visible as two membrane bilayers separated by an electron-lucent cleft. These vacuoles contain cytosol and/or organelles that appear morphologically intact (56). Mature or degradative vesicles (AVd) typically show partial degradation of the enclosed cytoplasmic material, as well as increased electron density in the lumen of the vesicle. | Autophagosome maturation |
An extensive discussion of known assays for analysis of autophagic signaling, autophagosome formation, and all other aspects of the pathway can be found in reference 53. TEM, transmission electron microscopy.