Fig 2.
Lack of PrPSc and spongiform pathology after i.c. inoculation of FFPE sCJD heart tissue into Tg66 mice. (A) Section of heart stained with the anti-PrP mouse monoclonal antibody 3F4 from a patient diagnosed with sCJD in 1979 (CJD1FFPE) and 1981 (CJD2FFPE). Both sections are negative for PrP. Scale bar, 100 μm. (B) H&E- and 3F4-stained sagittal brain section from Tg66 mice 755 days postinoculation with heart homogenate derived from samples CJD1FFPE and CJD2FFPE. Unlike mice inoculated with the corresponding brain material (Fig. 1D), there is no spongiform change or PrPSc deposition in the midbrain in CJD1FFPE-inoculated mice or in the pons in CJD2FFPE-inoculated mice. Scale bar, 100 μm. (C) Western blot analysis of brain homogenates from Tg66 mice inoculated with FFPE heart homogenates derived from samples CJD1FFPE and CJD2FFPE. Each lane represents 0.7-mg brain equivalents of an individual mouse brain. MoCJD1FFPE, brain homogenate from a Tg66 mouse inoculated with CJD1FFPE; NHt1FFPE, brain homogenate from a Tg66 mouse inoculated with FFPE normal human heart sample. The blot was developed with the anti-PrP mouse monoclonal antibody 3F4 and the ECL advanced development system. Molecular mass markers are indicated on the left.