Fig 1.
T-RFLP patterns obtained with the eukaryote-targeting primer set from oxic treatments. Anoxic treatments did not reveal any labeling. Patterns are retrieved from heavy fractions of treatments that were supplemented with [U-13C]- and [12C]cellulose. Samples were taken after 35 days (A, B, and C) and 70 days (D, E, F, G, H) of incubation. Black numbers, T-RFs that represented 13C-labeled phylotypes in the heavy fractions. Identification of labeled phylotypes was based on comparison with the T-RFLP patterns of the heavy fractions of the 12C treatment at the same time point and on comparison with the T-RFLP patterns of the light fractions of the same gradient. Gray numbers, nonlabeled T-RFs in the light fractions of the same gradient or in heavy fractions of a 12C control that have a size similar to but different from those of T-RFs that represented labeled phylotypes. The T-RFLP patterns of panels D, E, F, and G are each based on a single gradient from combined RNAs of two experimental replicates.