Fig 1.
RAL susceptibility of 77 pseudoviruses containing patient-derived HIV-1 integrase sequences with Y143X substitutions. Susceptibility was measured using the Phenosense Integrase assay and is expressed as the fold change (FC) in the EC50 of patient-derived viruses relative to the wild-type reference virus. Solid circles and diamonds depict the RAL susceptibility of viruses containing Y143R and Y143C substitutions, respectively. Open triangle, open squares, crosses, and filled squares depict viruses containing Y143A (n = 1), Y143G (n = 3), Y143H (n = 2), and Y143S (n = 4), respectively. The median FC for each virus group is indicated by a solid line. The highest RAL concentration evaluated in these assays prevented exact quantitation of EC50 FC measurements that exceeded the reference virus EC50 150-fold. Viruses with mixtures at position 143 were excluded.