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. 2013 Sep;57(9):4463–4469. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01030-13

Table 1.

Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study

Strain or plasmid Relevant characteristic(s) and antibiotic resistance(s)a Reference or source
    E. faecium HM1070 Wild-type parental strain; Fusr Rifr 31
    E. faecium UCN90A LSAPr mutant derived from HM1070 (selected in vitro with Lin) This study
    E. faecium UCN90B LSAPr mutant derived from HM1070 (selected in vitro with Lin) This study
    E. faecium UCN91A LSAPr mutant derived from HM1070 (selected in vitro with Da) This study
    E. faecium UCN91B LSAPr mutant derived from HM1070 (selected in vitro with Da) This study
    E. faecium UCN92A LSAPr mutant derived from HM1070 (selected in vitro with Tia) This study
    E. faecium UCN92B LSAPr mutant derived from HM1070 (selected in vitro with Tia) This study
    E. faecium UCN94 HM1070 derivative with allelic replacement of eat(A) by eat(A)v from UCN90B (LSAP phenotype) This study
    E. faecium UCN95 UCN90B derivative with allelic replacement of eat(A)v by eat(A) from HM1070 (wild-type phenotype) This study
    E. faecium UCN80 Susceptible strain (isolated from patient B) 15
    E. faecium UCN80-1 LSAPr mutant derived from UCN80 (selected in vivo with Q-D) 15
    E. faecium UCN81 Susceptible strain (isolated from patient C) 15
    E. faecium UCN81-1 LSAPr mutant derived from UCN81 (selected in vivo with Q-D) 15
    E. faecium UCN82 Susceptible strain (isolated from patient F) 15
    E. faecium UCN82-1 LSAPr mutant derived from UCN82 (selected in vivo with Q-D) 15
    E. coli TOP10 Cloning strain Invitrogen
    pCR2.1-TOPO General AT cloning vector; Kanr Ampr Invitrogen
    pG1KT Derivative of the thermosensitive shuttle plasmid pG(+)host5 (containing promoterless and terminatorless Kanr cassette AphA-3); used for mutagenesis; Eryr 19
    pG1KTΩeat(A) pG1KT derivative carrying the 3′ end of eat(A); used for allelic replacement in UCN90B This study
    pG1KTΩeat(A)v pG1KT derivative carrying the 3′ end of eat(A)v; used for allelic replacement in HM1070 This study

Ampr, ampicillin resistance; Da, dalfopristin; Eryr, erythromycin resistance; Fusr, fusidic acid resistance; Kanr, kanamycin resistance; Lin, lincomycin; LSAP, lincosamides-streptogramins A-pleuromutilins (LSAP phenotype); Q-D, quinupristin-dalfopristin; Rifr, rifampin resistance; Tia, tiamulin; eat(A), wild-type allele; eat(A)v, allele of eat(A) with a single mutation (C1349T) leading to an amino acid substitution (Thr450Ile).