Fig 1.
Representative results of analysis of T. cruzi genotypes by means of hybridization tests of patient blood samples and T. infestans xenodiagnosis. A, B, C, and D, pretherapy condition; E and F, 1 month posttherapy condition; a, minicircle PCR amplicons stained with ethidium bromide; b, hybridization with TcV probe; c, hybridization with TcII probe; d, hybridization with TcI probe; e, hybridization with TcVI probe. Lane M, 100-bp DNA ladder; lanes b1 to b3, b4 and b5, and b6 and b7, patient blood samples; lanes xd1 to xd3, xd4 and xd5, and xd6 and xd7, T. infestans xenodiagnosis samples.