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. 2013 Sep 15;140(18):3731–3742. doi: 10.1242/dev.096560

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

Reduced epithelial Wnt signaling in lungs overexpressing Dkk1 results in proximal-distal differentiation defects that can be rescued by overexpressing Fgf10. (A-C) β-Gal staining on E11.5 control (ctrl) TOPGAL (A), Rosa26-rtTA;Tet-Dkk1;TOPGAL (B) Rosa26-rtTA;Tet-Dkk1;Tet-Fgf10;TOPGAL (C) lungs dox-induced at E10.5. (D) qPCR analysis of relative Nmyc mRNA abundance on E11.5 ctrl, Rosa26-rtTA;Tet-Dkk1+/+ and Rosa26-rtTA;Tet-Dkk1+/+;Tet-Fgf10 lungs dox-induced at E10.5. **P<0.01 (Student’s t-test); n≥3. Error bars represent standard error. (E-L) Immunostaining for Sox2 (E-H) and Sox9 (I-L) on E12.5 ctrl (E,I), Rosa26-rtTA;Tet-Dkk1 (F,J), Rosa26-rtTA;Tet-Dkk1;Tet-Fgf10 (G,K) and Fgf10-/-;Rosa26-rtTA;Tet-Fgf10 (H,L) lungs dox-induced at E10.5. n≥3. Scale bars: 200 μm (E-L).