Fig. 2.
3-OST-5 is required for KV cilia length. (A,B) KV in uninjected (A) and 3-OST-5 MO1-injected (B) embryos at 8 SS. Cilia were labeled with anti-acetylated tubulin (green) and cells labeled by a marker of polarized epithelia anti-aPKC (red). (C) Quantification of cilia length. 3-OST-5 MO1 injected embryos (1429 cilia, 29 embryos) had shorter cilia at 8 SS compared with uninjected control embryos (1379 cilia, 27 embryos; *P<6.19e-10). (D,E) Beads tracks showing KV morphology and bead flow. 3-OST-5 MO1 morphants (E) lacked the coordinated movement seen in uninjected embryos (D) or 3-OST-3Z morphants (supplementary material Movies 1 and 2). Each color represents a single tracked bead. (F) Average velocity of fluorescent beads was significantly slower in 3-OST-5 MO1 morphants (five embryos, five beads/embryo; *P<0.001) compared with either uninjected (eight embryos, five beads/embryo) or 3-OST-3Z MO1 (three embryos, five beads/embryo) controls. Error bars represent s.e.m.