Pathway for conversion of acetate to methane in M. acetivorans. Ack, acetate kinase; Pta, phosphotransacetylase; CoA-SH, coenzyme A; H4SPT, tetrahydrosarcinapterin; Fdr, reduced ferredoxin; Fdo, oxidized ferredoxin; Cdh, CO dehydrogenase/acetyl-CoA synthase; CoM-SH, coenzyme M; Mtr, methyl-H4SPT:CoM-SH methyltransferase; CoB-SH, coenzyme B; MP, methanophenazine; Hdr-DE, heterodisulfide reductase; Rnf, Rnf complex; Mrp, Mrp complex; Atp, ATP synthase.